Hey Everyone!
Welcome to my blog...please share this post with your followers as it is really important that we all stay positive at this difficult time.
I would also like to know what you do at home to remain positive. DM me at @bethlucyblogs now and I will give you a shout out in our positivity project.
You may have noticed that over the past few days, I may have shared some posts via Instagram relating to positivity. I couldn't be happier to announce that I will be joining a group of like-minded motivated bloggers in the quest to post positive content. This blog post is solely for my positivity content, where I will post about the different activities you can do each day of the week, which will be beneficial both mentally and physically!
I think we can all agree that in challenging times like these, it is even more vital to come together and help one another! And of course, above all, remain positive!
This positivity post is a collab with some lovely bloggers, who will each be posting similar content on their Instagram accounts and blogs!
Hoping to stay positive?
Check out the list of what you should do everyday of the week to remain positive in such a tough global situation. You do not need to follow this list religiously every week, but maybe try out a few of the suggestions below, if you like the sound of them and believe they would be beneficial for you.
- Practice mindfulness.
Whether it is yoga, or colouring or any other activity that you find relaxes you and is extremely helpful, then try it out!
- This could be taking some time to reflect on yourself and where you are at the moment. Live life in the present.
- Think about others - be mindful of what you say or do!
- Be inventive and think of other ways in which you could interpret mindfulness Monday!
- Do an activity with someone in your household e.g a workout or play a game with them!
- Spend time with your family members and friends by staying connected! Send them messages or facetime them - whatever will make you feel less isolated and instead more involved and close with your loved ones!
- Stay healthy and maybe eat more fruit or a healthier diet! Do 5 activities that make you feel better!
- Do some exercise, whether it is inside your house or outside, there are so many great channels on YouTube that you could watch for fitness! I recommend Joe Wickes, the body coach, and 'Madfit.'
- Wellness Wednesday could also involve being kind to others, feeling positive yourself and motivated.
- Do 5 random acts of kindness! Show someone you care for them, through doing small things, such as complimenting them or helping make a meal!
- Try to refrain from being negative and instead focus on the present. How you feel in the moment, stop worrying about the future or what is going on in the world.
- Stay calm and relaxed and you will feel much better! Remember not to overthink!
- What 5 things are you grateful for today?
- Stop focusing on your worries or insecurities and instead reflect on what you are lucky to have, e.g more time, especially family time now.
- Think of others who are suffering in the world and direct your thoughts to them.
- Take a moment to pray or thank God for how you feel on Friday - for helping you even in a time of stress and uncertainty. (Of course, only If you are religious.)
- Communicate with those you have lost touch with and dedicate some of your time towards speaking to friends and family who are not with you at home.
- Speak also to the people you live with and like together Tuesday, make sure that you stay sociable and positive!
- Perhaps take a social media break?
- Relax and look after yourself!
- Pamper yourself! Have a bubbly bath, watch a film or paint your nails!
- Do some of your hobbies e.g sport, learn a language or read a good book!
- Take care of yourself and stay positive!
I hope this blog has helped, thank you if you read it! I will be attaching the template which summarises all the points I have just explained for each day so you can screenshot it or share it, to remind yourself to remain positive!
Here are the links to the other girls involved in the positivity project so you can follow them and check out their blogs too!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/princessemily_m/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ancines.alley/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/happilyhedy/

Attached is the template which you can screenshot, share or send to others in order to join in on our positivity challenge next week! I will also be attaching others to my Instagram @bethlucyblogs in my posts, so make sure to check it out there and see the other templates too that you can choose from! We will be completing challenges on our pages and Instagram stories, so feel free to join in and tag us #positivepixiedust or as #thepositivityproject. We will be sharing those stories when people join in! I hope you enjoy our project and find it is a useful reminder to smile and reman positive!
Beth Lucy
Great post! Ah I love all of your ideas for the challenges! I’ve really loved working with you all on the project, everyone’s help and support has been amazing 😊 I’m so excited for this week! It feels crazy to think just a month ago the project was just an idea in my head and now it’s something real, and I’m not sure I could have done it without the team’s help 💛
Take care and stay safe,
Emily M x